About our School


The history of Delta Careers College

Delta Careers College began as an evening school on November 21, 1979 at No. 40, Ginuwa Road, Warri. It took off with a student population of 45 and staff strength of 24, made up of 20 teachers and 4 non-teaching staff. All the 45 students were enrolled for a one-year crash programme to write the Nov / Dec 1980 G.C.E. exams.

From its take-off point at Ginuwa Road, the school moved to another temporary site on Emebiren Street, where it carried on with its activities until 1988 when it finally moved to the permanent site, leaving behind only the administrative office at No. 145 Okumagba Avenue, Warri. It was not until October 1992 that the administrative office was relocated to the present permanent site.

Between 1979 and 1981, the College underwent a traumatic experience. It came to a point where salaries of members of staff could not even be paid. But rather than being allowed to be weighed down with this problem, the proprietor of the College viewed it as one of the teething problems of every new organization and got challenged by the words of a famous administrator who once said, Bring me nothing but problems. Problems are the price of progress. And in deed, those teething problems experienced initially formed part of the repertoire of experience that has contributed to the growth of Delta Careers College.

The college started its May / June WASC/GCE programme in 1981. it was within this same period that registration equally started for HSC/GCE Advanced level and many other professional Certificate courses. Suffice it to add that it was the only Private school approved by West African Examinations Council to write higher School Certificate Exams in the then Bendel State.

The impetus the school required for growth was ably provided by the successes recorded by its students in the Nov / Dec exam. The rate of growth in the school since 1983 has been very tremendous. In 1986, the College was adjudged the Best one-man proprietary school in the defunct Bendel State (now Edo/Delta state) by the then State Ministry of Education in view of its facilities.

Owing to the growing need of the society for more Nursery and Primary schools, and based on the recommendation of its Board of Governors, the College went a step further to establish its own Nursery and Primary School known as Delta Careers Nursery / Primary Schools in 1984. In 1997, Delta Careers Advanced studies Center was formally established. The school have the primary responsibility of offering various advanced Education programmes and professional courses.

Two other institutions of learning established by the college are the Delta Careers Workers College and Delta Careers Technical College. Each of these five sister schools is autonomous and they are all being run under the umbrella of Delta Careers limited, and organization that is highly committed to the offering of education at all levels.

It must be emphasized that the growth of the school would not have been possible but for the selfless contributions from both the past and the present teaching and non-teaching staff, to whom the school will always remain very much indebted to.