About our School




The school is an epitome of an environment that is very conducive for teaching and learning. It has a standby power plant (100 KVA Generator) for regular power supply in the case of power failure from PHCN (formerly known as NEPA). Also, the school has regular supply of clean pipe-borne water through its borehole facilities.


All the classrooms are very spacious, bright, stimulating and fitted with ceiling fans.


The College has a standard library that serves all the students of the school. The library is well equipped with carefully selected materials that are designed to meet the needs and ages of the various students. Apart from textbooks, different types of Newspapers and Magazines are also in constant supply to the library to educate both staff and students on current issues. The library has, in its collection, about three thousand, five hundred volumes (textbooks) covering all subject areas in the Secondary School Curriculum. It also has above six hundred journals of educational and informative value to both students and teachers.
The library, which opens for readers from 8:00am to 2:00pm on school days, and has a seating capacity for 50 readers, is affiliated to many famous libraries and publishers. It has a qualified librarian and two assistants who help to guide students towards study and research sources. They also provide them with systematic instructions on the use of library and library materials.
Students are advised and encouraged to make full and meaningful use of the library’s modern educational devices to develop a capacity for independent work.


The teaching and learning of science is a lively and interesting affair in the college. The college has separate laboratories for the sciences i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Agric Science and Biology. The desire to translate our motto Only the Best into a reality have resulted in our spending huge sums of money in equipping the schools science laboratories to such a high standard. The laboratories are equipped with different kinds of apparatus, reagents, specimens, charts and many others. Effective and hitch-free practical classes are assured at all times be it during normal class sessions or during exam periods.

The science Department of the college is also blessed with highly qualified, seasoned and experienced teachers who share in the awareness and conviction of the college that the teaching and acquisition of skill in science is the real springboard for the much desired technological development of this country. These teachers assist the students to learn by observation and investigation, thereby helping to develop their research potentials. In fact, the extensive equipment of our laboratories gives unique opportunities to our students to verify principles and theories studied in the classroom.
Apart from science laboratories, the school has separate laboratories for Home Economics and Languages (E.g. English Language, Yoruba, etc.)


The schools Computer Centre at present has over 25 personal computers (PC) with black and white and coloured printers. Its door is thrown open to all registered students to become computer literate in line with the needs of the modern society. Seasoned computer experts and computer operators man the Centre. They impart to the students the knowledge of the use and importance of computers in the modern world. Students are taught computer Appreciation, Programming Languages and lots more, as specified in the various syllabuses. Computer education is compulsory for all students of the school.


The Audio-Visual Centre of the college makes it second to none, at least in this part of the country. The centre, which is named after Chief John Gbonwei, a Warri based businessman, who donated generously towards its establishment in 1994 has a 70-seat capacity. The centre is lavishly equipped with such audio-visual facilities like televisions, electronic copy boards, overhead projectors, computer projection panels, video projectors, satellite cable, etc all of which help to make teaching and learning interesting.


Delta Careers College has a canteen where snacks, minerals, local dishes etc. are sold to members of the college community (especially the students) at subsidized rates. The idea of operating the school canteen is to ensure that until closing time no student leaves the school compound under the pretext of buying anything.


There is a bookshop where students can buy their books and stationery items at moderate prices.


The school has a secretarial department that is well equipped with many manual and electronic typewriters.


Delta Careers College remains one of the few with well equipment staff quarters.


Delta Careers College, besides being a centre for the May / June and Oct. /Nov. S.S.C. Examinations, is one of the few centres for the conduct of Technical Education Exams (i.e. NABTEB) in Delta State. This helps to confirm the fact that it is a comprehensive school.

Apart from his or her pure academic programme, no student ever passes out of the school without acquiring one type of skill in Technical Education. In fact, as earlier stated, besides his or her normal school subjects, it is compulsory for every student of the college to learn at least one Technical subject before finally leaving the school, which is like using one stone to kill two birds. The school currently has the following workshops in its Technical section.

– Welding and Fabrication
– Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
– Electrical/Electronics
– Woodwork
– Applied Arts,etc.
All the workshops are adequately equipped.


The school maintains a well-established and equipped sports department. This is due to our belief in sports as an integral part of the educational development of the child. The following are some of the sporting facilities available to our students:

a) Standard Soccer Field and kits
b) Basketball Court
c) Volleyball Court
d) Lawn Tennis Court
e) Table Tennis Hall and Accessories

It may not be out of context to mention here that Delta Careers College hosted the 1997 maiden edition of Sports Fiesta of the Association of Private School Owners of Nigeria (APSON), Warri Chapter. This is a pointer to the fact that the school is about the best equipped in sporting facilities in Warri and its environs.


The school has a well equipped Medical Centre, where both Day and Boarding students as well as members of staff receive regular medical attention on 24 hours basis. Two (2) qualified medical Doctors who run weekly shift, one Matron and 3 staff Nurses who also run shifts are manning the Centre. Charges for drugs and treatment are highly subsidized.